I will admit the idea of the military operating on US soil leaves me cold. It's ripe for abuse and loss of individual liberty. Thank you for laying out ways the military could be helpful in this situation without giving warhawk military leaders free reign among the citizenry through martial law. That's my worst nightmare. History is fascinating to me, but reading history about nations who use their military to enforce government will on the people has left me with a real distaste for the practice. During the Civil War, civilians were abused horribly by the military of both sides of the conflict and malnutrition, starvation, illness and death was the result. Not all of the military were like this, but enough of them were to leave a bad taste in my mouth. I sincerely hope President-elect Trump's vision is akin to your own.

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Because we are nation of laws, we need to be a nation at prayer. John Adams was not wrong when he declared that America is only good for a decent and moral people.

Godspeed to the men and women in government who are charged with protecting those who do good and to protect the same from those who mean to do evil (Romans 13:3-4).

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—The rule of law must be used to stop this planned, illegal, and very clear invasion of our country, which our military have all taken the oath to protect the nation against: all enemies both foreign and domestic. Otherwise this will be perceived as tyranny.

—You’ve done an excellent job of describing the options available to remove these felons in accordance with those very laws. Sounds harsh, but the minute an alien steps across our border without permission from the constitutionally designated authorities, they become felons.

—Of further consideration is how to exercise our duty to ensure those individuals who have ordered this and thus have committed treason… face justice. This is where tribunals might come into play. Treason against our country by domestic enemies falls clearly within the oath the military takes and the constitutional duty of the military to protect our country. Again, the tribunals are the venue of justice.

Thank you for the excellent report. God bless you.🙏🙏

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I tend to point people to my article "An Intel Nation" as a way to think about our civic duty. Eyes and ears and recording phones everywhere.

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Thank you!

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Someone needs to have a long talk with Rand Paul.

Biden had all of his Cabinet use their departments across the gov to get involved in elections. Some red state governors told the feds elections were constitutionally state run and back off.

I know that both Biden and Obama had used military installations to either house or process or both illegals that entered the country. No reason that those same installations can't be used for the departure of illegals.

Good points on how to use all of gov for this purpose. It may have take place before - Invasion at the border - here are the presidents that have deported illegals proving it can be done.


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Thanks for sharing. I will certainly check this out. My biggest personal issue is timing. I have a bad habit of being 5-10 years ahead of trends or expectations and when they arrive in a form not far of from predicted, lots of people hop on board and are sudden experts. Immigration, drone warfare, etc, all predicted 15-20 years ago. No wonder Nostradamus lived in hiding :-)

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You are just like Glenn Beck then. His predictions have all come true (9/11 was his first). and he always says he is not so good on the timing. Peas in a pod.

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What does Rand Paul have to do with this? Please explain. I would like to know your reasoning for posting this.

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Paul said what Darin alluded to “I’m not in favor of sending the Army in uniforms into our cities to collect people,” Paul said. “I think it’s a terrible image and that’s not what we use our military for.”

All he is doing is getting the left riled up. Trump never said the military would be 'in the streets'.

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I expect with the illegal lawfare that's been perpetrated against members of the incoming administration for much of the last decade, a lawful process will be followed to remove the millions of illegal aliens that have violated the security of our nation. How that will happen will be interesting to watch. Perhaps the use of PSAs in as many languages as necessary to have those that don't speak English to voluntarily register with law enforcement as a condition to a legal re-entry process at some future time.

My primary concern is for those who exacerbated the illegal entry in the first place, including ALL government officials, both visible and invisible, to go as far up the ladder as necessary including to the current oval office occupier, as well as those members of NGOs who took their instruction from said officials. Perp walking those people, regardless of sex or religion in handcuffs, on the nightly news in front of every camera available to bring them to justice would restore the faith of the American people in the 'law and order' institutions which have lost so much trust.

But then again, I was raised in a country where 'law and order' used to mean something. Too bad that's not where we are anymore....but I can still dream.....

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If there is ever a perp walk in this country, it will be a long chain of criminal actors. Hands Across America of another type.

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Absolutely Correct Use Of American Sovereignty and Assets.

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If there is one reason why martial law and military rule will not work in this country is that there are hundreds of millions of people who have at hand hundreds of millions of firearms...and know how to use them.

Do I need to say any more?

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