What a STRUGGLE it is to GAIN FAITH and MAINTAIN FAITH. My constant daily battle.

Jack L

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As it is for all of us who are blessed to have a relationship with Jesus.🙏

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Enjoyed your article, even though Wt corrected it. Great work. Matthew 28:18-20 and Romans 6: 1-8 are very good reads! Christ commands it.

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That will preach Brother!

Great word!

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Great revelation of the complications within Gollum’s character. I have read and kept Tolkien’s books and have watched the entire trilogy several times recovering from illness. It is truly a masterpiece and (as you noted), it tells the whole story of mankind’s history with a sinful nature. I also believe that continuous evil changes people drastically. The first person I noticed this in was Patricia Cornwall. She’s written many mysteries and writes about the forensic science of evidence. She apparently was discovered by the CIA early in her writing career and progressed from a fresh-faced young girl to a hard darkly polished woman, according to her photos ion the jackets. She finally became so dark in her writing style I stopped.

Thank you, Darin, for sharing your digs with us! God bless you.🙏🇺🇸

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Darin, you're a knowledgeable fan of LOTR, so I'm surprised that you made a major error! Bilbo did not carry the ring to Mount Doom; it was his nephew Frodo, aided by his faithful friend Samwise.

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Ha, yes I totally missed that I did that. Will correct and thank you!

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I appreciate the quote by Elrond. Assuredly, it is only through the only TRUE GOD that we can be healed and made whole

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