I believe the natural order should be the last drawing. Not in the US, but elsewhere government was a pair of thrones for a very long time; the church and the monarchs.

My church dedicated a handful of years to modernizing itself, starting in the early 60s. It is unrecognizable today. I believe that Satin has won it over. Scripture gives government a rightful place but I don't agree we are to be subjects of it. Any man-made law that bends, rebukes, or reaches beyond God's laws, or is not constructed to follow nature and its natural laws is an unjust law. My church now does the bidding of the government, aiding and abetting it in all sorts of matters. It once was the keeper of those in need of food, shelter, medical treatment, education and spiritual nourishment. As you said, the government took over most of those functions and most churches have contracted with Satan to water-down scripture to spew pluralism and relativism. The propaganda and conditioning readily finds a home in those seeking to fill their spiritual gap.

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There are so many ways the church compromises and the world pays the price. There's a book called Hitler's Willing Executioners that's worth a read.

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When leaders compromise the youth it can take down many subsequent generations. The aftermath of Hitler was not as damning as the aftermath of future generations after Mao.

Bergoglio has been exposed, just took to long.

A DVD called Christian Worldview by R.C. Sproul helped me to understand how isms are used to destroy the natural path that leads to God.

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This is so good, so relevant, so needed. Many Christians don’t even get this. So my prayer is that we are snapped back in to real truth and action. Great read. Thank you!

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