"We watched as the Trojan Horse was built, then helped pull it inside our walls."
Not only did we watch as the horse was built, we helped to produce it. For at least the last 100 years, probably longer, we have been actively engaged in building the society we now have, one in which our own selfish interests were more important than those of our neighbor's. One in which we regularly gave our approval to programs and policies designed to enrich ourselves at the expense of someone else. One in which we were not shy about using violent force to compel others to bend and submit to our will.
This happened regardless of political affiliation. It occurred despite one's religious leanings. There was only one major philosophy from which all others sprang--whatever works to make me richer.
We have, unlike the historians and journalists mentioned, no one to blame but ourselves. No one. It is not helpful nor productive to attempt to make someone else responsible. The situation we find ourselves in is the result of our own action. It does no good to point the finger at another person or group. We must look ourselves squarely in the mirror of self-examination and reflect on the myriad sins which plague our own souls--beginning with the deliberate and blatant disregard for the Commandment: "Thou Shalt Not Steal."
"Physician, heal thyself."
"We have met the enemy and he is us."
Positive change which makes a difference will not come from the top. It must originate at the bottom level of society, the individual, and bubble up from there.
"We watched as the Trojan Horse was built, then helped pull it inside our walls."
Not only did we watch as the horse was built, we helped to produce it. For at least the last 100 years, probably longer, we have been actively engaged in building the society we now have, one in which our own selfish interests were more important than those of our neighbor's. One in which we regularly gave our approval to programs and policies designed to enrich ourselves at the expense of someone else. One in which we were not shy about using violent force to compel others to bend and submit to our will.
This happened regardless of political affiliation. It occurred despite one's religious leanings. There was only one major philosophy from which all others sprang--whatever works to make me richer.
We have, unlike the historians and journalists mentioned, no one to blame but ourselves. No one. It is not helpful nor productive to attempt to make someone else responsible. The situation we find ourselves in is the result of our own action. It does no good to point the finger at another person or group. We must look ourselves squarely in the mirror of self-examination and reflect on the myriad sins which plague our own souls--beginning with the deliberate and blatant disregard for the Commandment: "Thou Shalt Not Steal."
"Physician, heal thyself."
"We have met the enemy and he is us."
Positive change which makes a difference will not come from the top. It must originate at the bottom level of society, the individual, and bubble up from there.