Exactly on target, Sir! You know first hand how government should work, and over your illustrious career, you’ve seen the “good, bad, and ugly.” But these last years were a mockery of our constitutional republic. The government has been strangled and only a few elitists were able to change the will of the people. Finally, January 20, 2025 saw a change that actually gave voice to minds and wills of the populace. In just two weeks, Trump has brought forth more good changes than we saw in the last four years. As you wrote about your metaphoric sword, I can see it shiny and bright, as it had been tarnished and gritty. May it stay shiny again and blind those who would try to tarnish it with lies and abuse.

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Good piece, Sir! I was curious about how presidents have played this 'game' of 'Executive Order Ping Pong' over time. I found an interesting statistic: The eight presidents from 1901 to 1952 issued an average of 207 orders per year (FDR [obviously!] was the winner by far). By comparison, the eight presidents from 1981 to the present issued an average of 38 per year. Source: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/statistics/data/executive-orders, accessed February 4, 2025.

Now, I am the first to admit that variables abound as to why the numbers are what they are. But I also have to admit that every president has had a reason to, as President Obama famously noted, use his "telephone and pen."

America was fundamentally transformed in the FDR era, and I would argue not for the better. So, I agree: use Congress as designed ... and make the average number of orders ZERO. That would be constitutional, methinks. 😉

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We've gone so far down the rabbit hole, or in my opinion, the toilet; no, wait, it's further than the toilet; we are in the sewer pipes already. Any worry about presidential abuse is a long way off. Congress does need to affirm Trump's actions, Congress has not done its job for decades, and therefore, the executive orders. Congress is our biggest issue; everyone there is self-service and wholly brought out by industry and other nations' interests. The Kennedy confirmation hearings were a hoot, exposing, finally, the Congress member's pharma masters. We need more of that disclosure, and probably jumpsuits for members of Congress with their financial supporter's logo patch sewn on, just like car racing jumpsuits.

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Colonel, you highlight with words exactly what I am concerned about.

The next time around won't be just a bad dream like the last four years... it will be a real life nightmare.

Jack Lawson

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It goes long before the Bush ‘dynasty’ and inept Biden is just the latest. Remember that elections have been fixed for a long time, proven by (still hidden evidence). The inept politicians in Congress, many illegitimate from election fraud, cannot be trusted to do what is right for the country. That must be remedied and once accomplished will render executive orders rare. BTW: I have already spoken out against a Trump dynasty, too. The GoP is just as illegitimate as the Dems; only enshrined in law ‘term limits’ will go a very long way to protecting the country from corruption. No dual citizenship members allowed and we need SOMEONE else besides lawyers.

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Believe it or not, I normally go back to Woodrow Wilson and the founding of the Federal Reserve.

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Why stop there?

Could you not refer to Theodore Roosevelt who "walked softly and carried a big stick"? Or more properly, like Trump, talked loudly and wielded a club?

Or take on the Really Big One, Abraham Lincoln, who created a strong centralized Federal government by violent force out of a loose confederation of independent states, and has been worshipped as god-like in this country ever since? Lincoln, by virtue of his own Executive Orders, is primarily responsible for the deaths of at least 600,000 soldiers alone, not to mention all the damage visited on the civilian population during four years of aggressive war and the loss of many, many liberties which the people of that time took for granted.


The fact is that Executive Orders only apply to those agencies and persons who are directly accountable to the Executive Office, the President. Trump CAN issue an order telling the Dept. of Defense to stop supporting the LGBTQXYZ+++ agenda and it must obey. He CAN tell the State Dept. to stop flying any flag except that of the US Government and it must comply. What he CANNOT do is order any of the rest of us to comply with his orders. He does NOT have the authority to impose his directives on anyone who is not directly under his command. He may have the power, but he does not have the authority. It is important to keep this in mind.

One important point to underscore this argument. The president is known as the "Commander-in-Chief", but only as seen from the military perspective. Trump IS the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Services, but he is NOT the C-o-C of the nation known as America. I do not have to salute him because he walks in front of me.


Contrary to popular belief in many circles, Trump is not the savior of America. He will not "restore" it to its former "glory". Instead, he will preside over its destruction and the consequent humbling of a proud, arrogant people. He will use every tool at his disposal to wreck the Status Quo (I wish him well in this and hope he succeeds), but his tenure will be recorded by history as the first dictatorship of the American Experiment. He will rule by fiat, by his own word, and the country will follow him to the bitter end, willingly or unwillingly.

We, the People (I use that term contemptuously) traded George the Third for George the First, then proceeded to build a government which only became stronger and more aggressively intrusive to the point that now we have appointed (anointed?) a strongman to sort out our problems. The King is dead, Long Live the King! Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, but with far more unilateral power than any person should ever be entrusted with.

The sins of this nation are manifold and they are coming due. Hell is to pay.

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Greetings sir, I’m a retired Army Aviation First Sergeant and just saw you on Greg Kelly’s show. Would love to help you get a website up and going for Restore Liberty

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I'd be curious where you served. Please feel free to reach out if you want to daringaub@protonmail.com. I can tell you about the website stuff too.

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